The Pitch

WIP it!

Hey friends!

Well, here it is. The second issue of the Midwest Movie Maker newsletter. If I didn't say it before, thanks for subscribing. I really do appreciate it.

The newsletter is a work in progress - as these things often are - and already I've polished things up a bit. You'll find content categorized now, though, admittedly, I'm still working out exactly what content goes in which category. For example, does every filmmaker interview go under Callsheet? Maybe. Is that even the right thing to call that category? Does it make sense? Arghhh!!

You'll see a lot of that over the next couple issues.

I'd also love to here from you, if you have ideas or requests about the kind of information you'd like to see in the newsletter. The goal is to create a useful resource for filmmakers, as well as an entertaining read for fans of film.

I also want to showcase your work-in-progress. As a kid, I loved thumbing through issues of what I remember to be Cinefex (but admit it might be a different now-defunct magazine) and discovering the work of independent filmmakers living the dream outside L.A. (And they were usually artists in their early 20s making movies any way they knew how.)

Email all that stuff to

Oh! And forward this newsletter to whomever you think would enjoy it! Tell them to subscribe, and tell them they'll have a voice in the evolution of Midwest Movie Maker!


PS: Thanks goes out to Sage O'Bryant, Kurt Yue, Samantha Berensci, and Peter Balint, none of whom knew at all that I would share this image from a short film we made together ... OMG .... 13 years ago?

Midwest Movie Maker


In Production

Film School

Call Sheet

Film Festivals